Five Tips to Help You Feel More Rested

Apparently today is World Sleep Day.  And if you need some, thanks to the time change, or too much partying on St. Patrick’s Day, here are five tips to help you feel more rested.


1.  Wake up at the same time every day.  Even on weekends.  Your body likes routine, so anything that interferes makes things more difficult.


2.  Eat lettuce and lobster.  Lettuce contains lactucarium, which has sedative properties that affect the brain in a way that’s supposedly similar to opium.   And tryptophan is another good one, but turkey isn’t the best source for it.  Better sources are shrimp, lobster, tuna, yogurt, bananas, eggs, and peanuts.


3.  Give yourself a “cool-down” period.  Don’t try to go to bed when you’re riled up, like if you just got home from the gym or you just finished up a big work project.  Cool-down for 30 minutes where you dim the lights, relax, and don’t use any electronics.


4.  Get-it-on before bed.  Either with your partner, or yourself.  On a chemical level, it causes a spike in oxytocin levels and a drop in cortisol, which relaxes you and makes your body ready for sleep.


5.  Keep a sleep diary.  If you’re having a hard time sleeping, keep a sleep diary for a week.  It’ll help show you the correlation between stress, caffeine, sleeping in, and how tired you are. 

