Five Dating Apps That Are Better Than Tinder

If you’re bored with Tinder, here are five apps that take a new approach to online dating.


1.  Bumble.  It’s similar to Tinder, but WOMEN must initiate the conversation with matches, so they avoid unwanted messages from guys.  And some women are even using it to find new female friends.


2.  MeetMeOutside.  It connects you with people who like outdoor activities like yoga, hiking, and biking, and gives you seven new matches a day based on shared interests and locations.


3.  Bark’N Borrow.  This app allows dog lovers to connect to other dog owners.  Then you schedule “doggy-dates,” where you bring your pet when you meet.


4.  MissTravel.  It’s for travelers who want to find a traveling companion.  So instead of meeting for the usual cup of coffee, you can make plans to TRAVEL with any connections you make.


5.  WhoNow.  This app helps you organize and keep track of all your matches made on Tinder, Bumble, and OkCupid.  So when you’re juggling messages to several different people, you can keep them straight. 

